Plagiarism detection
The peer-review process is considered to be the most important part of scientific publishing. As part of IOIRP's commitment to protecting the integrity of the scholarly record, IOIRP feels a need to support the scientific community in all aspects of research and publishing ethics.
We, as editors, take painstaking effort to particularly educate researchers about plagiarism which nullifies the creative bent of mind of researchers. We have a hawk eye on handling publication ethics. We request the research scholars not to copy from other’s text. The practice of taking someone else’s text or ideas & passing them off as your own work.
Points to ponder:

    • Regardless of the source of the copied text or idea;
    • Regardless of whether the author(s) of the text or idea which you have copied obviously that text or idea from another sources 
    • Regardless of whether or not the authorship of the text or idea which you copy is known;
    • Regardless of the nature of your text (journal paper/article, webpage, book chapter, paper submitted for college course, etc) into which you copy the text or idea; 
    • Regardless of whether or not the author of the source of the copied material gives permission for the material to be copied; and
    • Regardless of whether you are or are not the author of the source of the copied text or idea (self plagiarism).

This definition also applies for figures and figure legends and for tables and table legends which you copy into your text.” 
Plagiarism may be accidental or blatant or self-plagiarism.  Students must follow some ethics while writing anything.

Accidental or Unintentional
You may not even know you are plagiarizing.  It is your responsibility to make sure that quote understands a great deal of difference between quoting and paraphrasing, as well as the right procedure to cite and delineate quoted material.

Here, students are aware that they are plagiarizing. They use someone else's ideas without acknowledgment. They have no qualms about borrowing research paper from others. It is not fair on the part of the students to deliberately borrow from other ideas.

Turning in the same term paper for two courses without getting permission from one's instructor is plagiarism.
Plagiarism is an intellectual theft. It is an act of fraud. It involves the practice of taking someone else’s text and proves that it is your own. If anyone indulges in plagiarism, they automatically lose their reputation as scholars.


  • For each manuscript, Plagiarism must not be greater than 20 %.
  • Authors may use TURNITIN/ iThenticate platform for plagiarism check.
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